Hey Stranger,
How are you today?
Let me start by saying that the last post has 600 views, that’s fantastic! Thank you for your continuous support and lovely thoughts, I won’t ever get tired of saying that this means a lot to me!
You make my life so much better!
I am sorry I couldn't reply to many messages... Both the website and the app were acting up...again! I did read them all and they were really sweet! I tried twice to post this yesterday but no luck!
I am officially moving in 3 days. Yuhu!
Help me pack! It kinda gives me a bit of anxiety because I have so many things that still need to be packed....
Anyway, I will manage. I am excited!
I am starting a new life, all my hard work is starting to pay off.
I have some other good news. Remember when I talked about University? Well, this will be a long story and it might be a bit repetitive but I really don't know how to explain it in an easier way.
Basically, I have great grades (I did the conversion to the U.K. grading system and I have A*A*A) from my country but my university made a mistake saying that I don’t meet their requirements in order to enrol straight into the BSc programme and I need to get a Certificate of Higher Education first and then start with Year 2 of the BSc programme. I was really annoyed when I found out but I didn’t want to make a big deal and I forgot to ask why they decided this. I just realized last week that their decision was completely wrong, I checked their website to see if they have some special requirements from my country. I have more than what they are asking for!!!
Never mind, knowing that I need this extra certificate and I just need to enrol into some modules, I didn’t have a place secured because you need to wait for them to announce when these modules are available. I have been waiting since April to apply, but they just published the modules last week. I might have mentioned to some of you that I wanted to study Criminology and Criminal Justice. Here is where it gets tricky, I didn’t plan to be an Au Pair! I had everything figured out before this bloody virus! I only discovered the Au Pair concept a month ago because a friend told me about this and yeah, I was becoming desperate to get a job.
Anyway, since my circumstances have changed and this is an evening university, classes only from 6 to 9 PM, I wouldn’t bet able to go 3-4 times per week because the parents come home quite late.
I don’t want to find excuses but I didn’t want to postpone university again! I have been having doubts about my degree subject for a while. Criminology is fascinating...more in theory than in practice! I’ve realized that there is a huge discrepancy with my future plans. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mixture of things but I want a balance and I want a happy life, start a business, make money, travel... you get what I am trying to say. I really want to become financially stable (hopefully wealthy) and take my brother to study in the U.K. too, eventually take my whole family.
Okay, the good news: I decided to study Law. This was an option I have been considering for years together with Psychology and Criminology.
Although I do meet the requirements to enrol straight away onto the BSc Programme (I won't let someone else tell me otherwise when they have it written on their website. It's there, in black and white! I know I should have addressed this matter sooner but I will point it out to them.)
I deliberately decided to get the Certificate of Higher Education in Legal Studies because I won’t have time to go to university 4 times per week. I can’t risk this job, I didn’t want to find another university to study during the day and I made a commitment to try and stay with this family for a year. I also feel that maybe I should just prepare myself a bit more.
I will be getting another diploma or certificate, I am still learning the differences but it won’t be heavy studying, it’s an easier and accessible schedule because it’s 1 attendance during the week, they are mostly focused on Saturdays (that's great because the weekends are mine since I am free) and online learning. Right now everything will be online anyway.
My point is that it won’t overwhelm me and I have my Personal Trainer course to focus on too.
By the end of Summer 2021, I will be a Level 4 Personal Trainer and I will also get my Legal Studies CertHE and then officially progress onto LLB Law but I need to start from scratch. Criminology gave me the chance to finish everything in three years. Law will be four years, plus MSc afterwards. I will be extra prepared and I will be able to commit full-time! You know what? I am officially a Law student! Cheers to that!
Yesterday I sent my documents to get student finance so there is no coming back. I even paid for 1-day delivery because these things can take a few weeks but honestly, I would have prepared myself months ago but university was on hold for everyone.
I had my doubts with criminology but I didn’t even flinch with Law. This is why you should be 100% sure before you decide something! I only get 4 years of student finance in the U.K. I really didn’t want to make a decision that I wasn’t completely sure of!
From my perspective, waiting until 21 to start being a student was an excellent choice. Why? I see the world differently now. I am another person!
I can't wait to receive my student ID, I gave them a decent picture, so I hope it will look good.
Some time ago, I said that once I move to London, I will use whatever nickname I want because people keep messing up my name! I don't understand how because it's pretty common in English.
It's a good idea to reinvent yourself!
Just a few more things: I finished paying for my MacBook Air. I had a two years contract to repay it but I paid it in 10 freaking months! This is actually such a relief! Now I only need to finish paying for my Personal Trainer course but that shouldn’t really be that hard since I won’t have to pay rent or buy my own food.
I do want to change my phone in one or two months from now. There is nothing wrong with the one that I have but I will sell it and still get a good amount of money although I’ve had it for three years now. It still looks new because I was a bit of a freak and I tried to protect it at all costs.
Also, after living with my June salary for two months, I am finally getting Universal Credit, it’s not a lot but it’s a big help. I feel less stressed now.
I am just waiting to receive my provisional driving licence and then I will start preparing because your girl loves driving. I only know how to drive on the left side and now I need to learn how to do it on the right side but, I know how to drive! I was supposed to have my last driving test back home in 2018 but I got stuck in the U.K. for seven months then.
Anyway, long story for another time.
Things are indeed getting better! There is hope!
I think that's pretty much it for today and I can’t wait to start writing about London!
Love you and take care of yourself!
